THRIVE Success Workshops
Thrive and LEDC are proud to join forces and elevate the entrepreneurship community, by providing you with the tools you need to start and grow your business.
Start Your Dream Business
Course Description Are you ready to make your dream business a reality? Do you have a business idea but haven’t started operating yet? Take the next step with LEDC! We invite you to join us in our 4-part series, where we will guide you through every step of launching your business. You can attend all …
Empieza el Negocio de tus Sueños
Descripción del Curso ¿Está listo para hacer de su negocio de sueño una realidad? ¿Tiene una idea de negocio pero aún no ha comenzado a operar? Dé el siguiente paso con LEDC! Le invitamos a unirse a nosotros en nuestra serie de 4 partes, donde le guiaremos a través de cada paso para lanzar su …